- 价 格:1200.00元/
- 起订量:1
- 发货地:广东
- 发货期限:7天内发货
- 供货总量:199
- 有效期至:长期有效
- 最后更新:2021-07-01 15:24
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美孚船用润滑油Mobilgard 300美孚佳特300柴油机油
Mobilgard? 300 by ExxonMobil is a premium quality, extra high performance system oil designed for crosshead diesel engines. High quality paraffinic base oils along with a balanced additive system provide excellent protection even for the severe operating conditions of the latest design, high-output crosshead marine diesel engines. This product has sufficient alkalinity to neutralise any strong acids which may find their way into the crankcase from the combustion of fuel sulphur, and it has enhanced load carrying ability in order to reduce wear in heavily loaded bearings.
Features and Benefits
Mobilgard 300 is formulated from high quality paraffinic base oils that have excellent thermal stability and oxidation resistance. These base oil characteristics are augmented with a balanced additive system that includes special high temperature oxidation inhibitors, alkaline detergents, a load carrying component and defoamant. The formulation has maximum antiwear properties, good rust protection in the presence of salt water, and excellent water separation characteristics.
Mobilgard 300 is recommended primarily for use as system oil in late model, high-output, crosshead diesel engines, especially those engines employing the system oil for piston cooling. It will prevent or reduce deposit formation in the piston cooling spaces, thus maintaining piston cooling efficiency and reducing the incidence of piston top burning and piston crown cracking. It will also prevent or reduce crankcase deposits and will provide outstanding protection for heavily loaded bearings. Its reserve alkalinity allows for the burning of high sulphur fuel. Good rust prevention and water separation characteristics make Mobilgard 300 an excellent system oil in older design crosshead diesel engines which have water-cooled pistons and where crankcase deposits can be a problem with lower-quality system oils.

进入公司首页特润润滑材料(深圳)有限公司是依托原石油化工科学研究院于1990年成立的高新技术企业。公司依托石油化工科学研究院的人才资源以及数十年从事汽车、汽车制造、机械、冶金、采矿、钢铁、工程、农业、电梯、石油化工等领域等领域的润滑理论研究和产品的开发实践,不断引进国外先进润滑技术,坚持走企业自主创新的道路,十多年来向市场提供了品类齐全的的工业润滑油、润滑脂产品。为特区建设做出了突出贡献。 公司以市场需求为导向,以先进技术为核心,无论客户是为了降低成本、保障运行,还是为了改进工艺,开发新产品或可能遇到的润滑问题都成为我们致力...
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- 地区:广东
- 地址:中国广东省深圳市南山区 中国.广东省.深圳市.福田区南山区南油大道2168号
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