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Mobil EAL Arcitic 68(美孚环保冷冻机油68)



  • 价   格:2900.00元/
  • 起订量:1
  • 发货地:上海
  • 发货期限:7天内发货
  • 供货总量:1000
  • 有效期至:长期有效
  • 最后更新:2021-07-12 19:12



导购推荐 加载中... 企业实景展示 以下照片由阿里巴巴指定第三方公司于2013年11月实地上门拍摄,并经独立权威机构核实认证! 前一页 1张大图 4张大图 6张大图 1张大图 后一页

 美孚环保冷冻机油EAL系列是由精选的多元醇酯基础油和添加剂配制而成的合成润滑油。具有较好的抗磨性、润滑油、稳定性和防磨性。美孚环保冷冻机油EAL 系列22A是该系列中首先推出市场的润滑油在苛该温度下与冷冻剂仍有良好的相容性,非常低的温度损失及较长的使用寿命,适用于要求具有抗磨性能的压缩机和空调系统例如旋转式压缩机、其他家庭电器以及推荐使用HFC-134a作冷冻剂的系统。适用于大厦大型深冷空调系统、汽车空调机、家庭电器及推荐使用HFC-134a作冷冻剂的压缩机。

The Mobil DTE family of products is well known and highly regarded worldwide based on their outstanding performance and the RandD expertise and the global technical support which stand behind the brand. The highly versatile performance of Mobil DTE Oil Named oils has made them the oil of choice for a multitude of industrial equipment applications around the world.

Specific grades of Mobil DTE Named oils enjoy an excellent reputation in the lubrication of the circulation systems of steam turbines and hydro turbines, including geared turbines, plus a wide variety of ancillary equipment. As designs change and increase in severity, it is the challenge of our formulation scientists to understand the effect of these changes on the lubricant and to formulate these products for the broad versatility they are recognised for.

For the Mobil DTE Oil Named Series of lubricants, this process has resulted in the use of special base stocks for outstanding oxidation stability, plus a unique additive combination to ensure the excellent, wide-ranging performance of these oils. A review of the features, advantages and potential benefits of the product are shown below.


Advantages and Potential Benefits
Very high level of chemical and thermal stability and resistance to sludging and varnishingLong oil charge life in circulation systems and reduced oil replacement costs
 Less unplanned downtime and reduced maintenance costs
Excellent water release propertiesImproved operating efficiency
Very good antiwear protectionLonger equipment life, reduced maintenance and downtime
Long term protection against rust and corrosionLonger equipment life, reduced maintenance and downtime
High resistance to foaming and excellent air releaseAvoids pump cavitation, noisy and erratic operation
Highly versatile - multiple applicationsRationalize inventory, reduced inventory costs


The Mobil DTE Oil Named Series of lubricants are premium performance circulating lubricants designed for applications where long lubricant service life is required. Specific applications include:

  • Continuous service in plain and roller bearings and parallel shaft gearing
  • Land-based and marine steam turbine, hydro turbine and some gas turbine circulation systems, including pumps, valves and other ancillary equipment (specific grades only - see below specification and approvals)
  • Turbines with oil supplied by splash, bath, ring oiling or other mechanical means (specific grades only - see below specification and approvals)
  • Moderate severity hydraulic pumps
  • Compressors and vacuum pumps handling air and inert gases, and with discharge temperatures not exceeding 150C

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Specifications and Approvals

Mobil DTE Named Series meets or exceeds the following industry specifications:

Mobil DTE Light

Mobil DTE Medium

Mobil DTE Heavy Medium

Mobil DTE Heavy
DIN 51515-1XXXX
GE GEK 46506DX   
GE GEK 27070X   
GE GEK 28143AXX  
China National Standard (GB 11120-89)XX  

Typical Properties

Mobil DTE Named Series

Mobil DTE Light

Mobil DTE Medium

Mobil DTE Heavy Medium

Mobil DTE Heavy
ISO Viscosity Grade324668100
Viscosity,ASTM D 445    
cSt @ 40o C31.044.565.195.1
cSt @ 100o C5.56.98.710.9
Viscosity Index, ASTM D 2270102989592
Pour Point, oC, ASTM D 97-18-15-15-15
Flash Point, oC, ASTM D 92218221223237
Density @15o C kg/l, ASTM D 40520.850.860.870.88
TOST, ASTM D 943, Hours to 2 NN5000450035002800
FZG Scuffing, D5182, Fail Stage891010
Rust Prevention, ASTM D 665:    
Distilled WaterPassPassPassPass
Sea WaterPassPassPassPass
Water Seperability, ASTM D 1401,Min. to 3 ml emulsion @ 54oC151520-
Water Seperability, ASTM D 1401,Min. to 3 ml emulsion @ 82oC---15
Copper Strip Corrosion, ASTM D 130,3 hrs @ 121o C1B1B1B1B
Foam Test, ASTM D 892, Seq I Tendency/stability, ml/ml20/050/050/050/0
Air Release, ASTM D 3427, 50o C, min.234








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公司名 上海展彤润滑油科技有限公司 经营模式生产型,贸易型
注册资本7000000万人民币 注册时间2003
公司所在地上海 企业类型企业单位
主营行业 石油天然气行业 / 车用润滑油 / 冷冻机油
主营产品或服务 昆仑润滑油|长城润滑油|美孚润滑油|龙蟠润滑油|壳牌润滑油|壳牌统一润滑油
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