Oil-filtering vehicle:
Manufacture of O-MAN filtering vehicle is supervised by American Donaldson Company and carried out by O-MAN Company. The vehicle can provide portable off-line filtering, washing and liquid transfer. It is applied to mechanical and hydraulic devices in operation and can achieve and maintain appropriate ISO cleanliness level. In design of O-MAN filtering vehicle, we fully consider about the characteristics of performance, convenience and safety. Its characteristic of high value added make it be the best choice for protecting your machine from halt and damage caused by medium pollution. Oil-filtering vehicle of our company has the following advantages:
1、 框架结实耐用,确保更长的使用寿命
1. The frame is solid and durable, which can ensure longer service life.
2、 高效的过滤等级,过滤性价比高
2. It has efficient filtering level and high cost performance in filtering.
3、 两级压力过滤器,过滤-粗/细,或颗粒/水
3. Double-level pressure filter; filtering- thick/thin, or particle/water
4、 具有安全泄压阀,防止泵、软管和过滤器因过压而损坏
4. It has safety relief valve to prevent the pump, hosepipe and filter from being damaged by overpressure.
5、 具有过载保护开关,防止电机/泵因过热而损
5. It has overload protection switch to prevent the electric motor/pump from damage caused by overheat
If project introduction, technical consult or system design are required, our company will provide all-around solutions.
�dpO0�[؏?;photo-thermal hydraulic driving system operates in Yanqing of Beijing and Qingdao. The system drive is 6m wide and 150m long. The oil cylinder is medium and high pressure standard special oil cylinder. The electric motor is of 220V; 0.37KW single phase alternating current. All the regulating valves are threaded plug-in type. The hydraulic valves adopt completely components imported from Italy; The tracking method integrating sensing and program control is adopted.
三、欧曼太阳能拥有**的售后服务及运输安装,我公司太阳能液压系统出厂前全部由欧曼太阳能槽式热发电试验装置,调试跑合3天,合格后方能出厂 ,泵站及油缸全部采用标准木箱包装 ,现场由资深技术人员负责指导安装调试,出现任何质量和液压系统故障维修人员48小时内到达现场。
III. O-MAN solar energy has the most excellent after-sale service, transportation and installation. Before leaving the factory, all the solar energy hydraulic systems of our company will debugged and run by the O-MAN test device for solar energy slot type thermal power generation for three days. They can leave the factory only after they are tested to be qualified. All the pump stations and oil cylinders adopt standard wooden box packages. Experienced technical staffs are responsible for guiding the installation and debugging on site. If any quality problem or fault of the hydraulic system occurs, the maintenance staff will arrive at the site within 48 hours.
IV. If project introduction, technical consult or system design are required, our company will provide all-around solutions.

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