DeoxIT® D-Series – Contact Cleaner & Rejuvenator
Part No. D100L-2DB:
100% Liquid, No solvents, 7.4 mL
Applicator: Brush, provides NO flushing action, applies 100% DeoxIT®,
Formulation: 100% DeoxIT®.
Use: When contact and connector are easily accessible. No flushing action.
Notes: Use when over spray is an issue on materials. Formulation safe on plastics. Recommend wiping off excess, leaving a thin layer. After application, if you notice a green or black discoloration (sometimes over time), this indicates it is doing its job (dissolving oxidation) and improving the connection. Wipe off and re-apply DeoxIT®.
More than a Contact Cleaner . . . Improves & Protects Connections! DeoxIT® D-Series contact cleaner is a fast-acting deoxidizing solution that cleans, protects, lubricates and improves conductivity on all metal connectors and contacts. Improves Conductivity Deoxidizes, Cleans, Lubricates and Protects Reduces Intermittent Connections Reduces Arcing & RFI Reduces Wear & Abrasion * Temperature Range, -34 C (-29 F) to +200 C (400 F)
Use as a general treatment for connectors, contacts and other metal surfaces, and on non-critical metal surfaces with severe oxidation and corrosion. If the metal surface is discolored, it is severe. DeoxIT® dissolves the contamination and protects the surface.
For reference, DeoxIT® has approximately 20% cleaning action.KEY FEATURES:
进入公司首页南京千峰科技有限公司创立于二OO三年,是一家专业经营特种润滑剂等化工产品解决方案的服务销售型公司。是韩国CASMOLY(CALS)润滑油产品和美国CAIG(机洁)清洁保护产品的中国区代理,英国易力高(Electrolube)华东区一级代理。 CASMOLY(CALS))特种润滑油,以高性能的合成基础油和聚四氟乙烯(PTFE)润滑颗粒闻名业内,是韩国三星电子、LG电子、现代汽车、起亚汽车等主要供货商。韩国CASMOLY(CALS)特种润滑剂有300多种型号,适用于汽车,电子,金属,塑料,齿轮,轴承,机械等各个行业。其中包括:通用多功能油脂,汽车专用油脂,塑料专用油脂,阻尼脂,薄膜型...
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