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CAIG(机洁)DeoxIT Fader FN5S-2N



  • 价   格:面议
  • 起订量:
  • 发货地:江苏 南京市
  • 发货期限:3天内发货
  • 供货总量:
  • 有效期至:长期有效
  • 最后更新:2022-03-20 09:41



DeoxIT® Fader F-Series – Moving Contact Lubricant for Conductive Plastic Faders and Controls 

Part No. FN5S-2N Mini-Spray:
Using Low-Med-High Adjustable Valve

Applicator: Non-Flammable Spray, provides precise control and application of DeoxIT® Fader. Quick-Dry, Non-Drip Solvent.
Formulation: 5% DeoxIT® Fader (active ingredient), 75% Solstice PF (carrier solvent), 20% propellant
UseSolvent evaporates quickly, providing precise control, no dripping and overspray. Is ideal for applying on delicate connectors and components on and in equipment. 
Notes: Use when over spray is an issue. Formulation safe on plastics. Always recommend testing for compatibility, especially on critical/sensitive parts, and vintage equipment with aging ABS plastic(s). Will not swell rubber. For more flushing action and non-critical applications, we recommend Part Nos. F5S-H6. Need more tactile feel, use the DeoxIT® Fader Grease after cleaning with DeoxIT® Fader F-Series.
metal and/or Plastic: Not sure if faders have plastic and/or metal components, we recommend using DeoxIT D-Series, Part No. D100S-2 (100% DeoxIT spray). 
INFO: Using DeoxIT® Sprays, Cautions, Warnings and Best Practices (caig.com/d-sprays).

DeoxIT® Fader F-Series is a precision lubricant and cleaner for moving contact surfaces (faders, switches, potentiometers and other mechanisms with sliding surfaces).
It replenishes lubrication lost on surfaces that have been cleaned with solvents or other cleaning solutions.

Over time these conductive plastic components lose their original lubrication from wear and/or repeated cleaning. Dust, dirt, drink spills and other contamination also degrade the components’ lubricant. The need for re-lubrication is necessary to avoid excess wear and abrasion to the plastic surfaces.
Another use for DeoxIT® Fader is on conductive membrane switches and components. Oil, grease and acids build up on the membrane surfaces due to repeated finger contact and can lead to device malfunction. Applying DeoxIT® Fader will provide a long-lasting barrier against these types of contamination. The oil, grease and acids will be displaced above the DeoxIT® Fader layer preventing contact with the plastic membrane. 
For reference, DeoxIT® Fader F-Series has approximately 1% cleaning action.

  • Formulated for Conductive Plastics/Controls 

  • Maintains Optimum Signal Quality

  • Replenishes Lubrication Lost

  • Maintains Tactile Feel

  • Reduces Wear & Abrasion

  • Temperature Range, -26 C (-15 F) to +150 C (302 F)




南京千峰科技有限公司创立于二OO三年,是一家专业经营特种润滑剂等化工产品解决方案的服务销售型公司。是韩国CASMOLY(CALS)润滑油产品和美国CAIG(机洁)清洁保护产品的中国区代理,英国易力高(Electrolube)华东区一级代理。 CASMOLY(CALS))特种润滑油,以高性能的合成基础油和聚四氟乙烯(PTFE)润滑颗粒闻名业内,是韩国三星电子、LG电子、现代汽车、起亚汽车等主要供货商。韩国CASMOLY(CALS)特种润滑剂有300多种型号,适用于汽车,电子,金属,塑料,齿轮,轴承,机械等各个行业。其中包括:通用多功能油脂,汽车专用油脂,塑料专用油脂,阻尼脂,薄膜型...

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公司名 南京千峰科技有限公司 经营模式贸易商
注册资本60万人民币 注册时间2003
公司所在地江苏 南京市 企业类型个体经营
主营行业 化工产品及设备 / 有机化工化工产品及设备 / 无机化工石油天然气行业 / 车用润滑油石油天然气行业 / 石油制品石油天然气行业 / 工业润滑油
主营产品或服务 美国CAIG|韩国CALS|易力高|BRAYCOTE
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