Motor Winding/Stator Epoxy Resin Potting & Encapsulating
The impact of temperature rise, vibration, and centrifugal force are faced by almost all motors during operation. The accumulation of these negative factors over time will cause winding loosening and insulation material deterioration, which in turn will lead to insulation damage due to friction between coils and wires, negatively affecting the stability and working life of the motor.
For many years, it was common to varnish the stator windings to achieve insulation. However, such varnishes do not fulfill the requirements of more demanding motors and more complex environments. In addition, their working life will be greatly reduced when facing materials such as water, oil, corrosive chemical gases, and dust.
一种提高电机工作稳定性和寿命的工艺是使用聚合物浇注密封电机绕组,环氧树脂是最常用的物料。坚固且绝缘的环氧树脂将绕组或铁芯包裹在内部,起到固定和抗震的作用,同时也让这些零部件与环境中的 “有害物质”隔离。具有高导热性能的Epoxy还能够帮助绕组将热量传导到外界从而保证电机整体的温度更加稳定。
One process to improve the operating stability and life of motors is to encapsulate the motor windings with polymer, and epoxy is the most common material for this purpose. The strong, insulating epoxy encases the windings or cores inside, providing anchoring and shock resistance while keeping these parts isolated from "harmful" substances in the environment. The high thermal conductivity of epoxy also helps the windings to conduct heat to the external environment, thus ensuring a more stable overall motor temperature.
浇注密封的工艺在今天已经很普遍,在诸如伺服电机,力矩电机,直线电机,水泵,油泵等等上都能够看到这种应用。 WILKON在这一领域具有丰富的经验,向有需要的客户提供高性价比的解决方案。WILKON推向市场的物料在开发前充分考虑到电机的结构,组装工艺和最终的工作状况,这些物料大部分具有以下特点:
Potting is commonly used today in servo motors, torque motors, linear motors, pumps, oil pumps, etc. WILKON has extensive experience in this field and offers cost-effective solutions to our customers. The materials WILKON brings to market have been developed with the structure of the motor, the assembly process, and the final operating conditions in mind. These materials often have the following features:
Class H insulation (180℃).
Resistance to temperature shocks: able to work in a wide range of temperatures, high or low.
High thermal conductivity: help the motor obtain a lower overall operating temperature.
Simple process: these materials have "friendly" mix ratios, viscosities, and gel times; they are easy to handle and good for automated production.
WILKON also takes pride in its model design abilities. Our knowledge of fluid characteristics can help customers achieve high-quality production. More application cases are available on our website, where customers with different needs can find out more about our products.
进入公司首页Wilkon简介化学辅料是电子制造业中常用且重要的原材料,为不同类型的电子产品解决各种各样的问题带来很大的帮助。例如:使用树脂浇注密封电子电路能够让产品防水、防震、提高绝缘强度和保密等级;使用保护涂料对组装电路板进行表面处理,能够提高电路板的表面阻抗以及抵御潮湿、灰尘等等带来的影响;使用粘合剂能够让不同基材的材料牢固贴合,既美观又耐用;对电路板进行清洗能够提高产品的可靠性。 汇众电子是专业的工业化学材料和设备供应商。销售的产品包括电子工业研发生产过程所需要的各种清洗剂、防护涂料、电磁屏蔽涂料、环氧树脂或聚氨脂树脂...
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