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Efi Polymers AC/DC风扇,电机定子灌封胶

品牌:EFI Polymers


  • 价   格:100.00元/kg
  • 起订量:100 kg
  • 发货地:广东 深圳市 龙岗区
  • 发货期限:5天内发货
  • 供货总量:1000 kg
  • 有效期至:长期有效
  • 最后更新:2024-04-22 11:42




AC/DC 风扇电机实现IP68的防护等级

AC/DC fan motors with a protection IP68 level



For AC/DC fan motors that need to achieve a protection level higher than IP67, the most effective solution by far is to pot/encapsulate the windings with epoxies and control PCBs. It is not realistic to expect the same level of protection with dipping paint, which only provides protection against moisture. Mere moisture and immersion in water are two completely different scenarios.

AC/DC 电机采用环氧树脂浇注/密封的工艺存在一些难点:

Difficulties do exist when it comes to potting/encapsulating AC/DC motors with epoxy resin:


The size is small and the requested dimensional accuracy is high. Most epoxy resins have difficulty completing potting in narrow gaps. If the customer also requires the resin to be of high thermal conductivity, the consequent increase in viscosity will make the potting process even more difficult.


The feature of the AC/DC fan motor market dictates that only efficient mass production can be profitable, which means that the assembly of the mold, the encapsulation of the epoxy resin, and the mold's release must not be too complicated and must be done quickly.


As you can see, the design of the mold and the reasonable selection of the epoxy resin are the key to the problem. The exhaust path of the mold should be reasonable, taking into account the flow characteristics and the "reaction" of the epoxy resin under vacuum. The epoxy resin needs to have a low mixing viscosity and be easy to de-bubble while its thermal conductivity meets the customer's requirements. Once these points are mastered, most challenges will not be difficult to solve.

 对于AC/DC 风扇电机制造业,Wilkon的价值在于既能够向客户提供高性价比的物流,也具备模具设计能力。Wilkon掌握有自主知识产权和专利的制造方案,让风扇电机更容易实现高于IP67的防护等级。我们可以为客户提供技术咨询,也向客户共享我们的制造方案。

For AC/DC fan motor manufacturing, Wilkon's value lies in its ability to provide customers with cost-effective logistics as well as mold designs. Wilkon has its own intellectual property and patented manufacturing solutions that make it easier to achieve fan motor protection levels higher than IP67. We can provide technical advice to our customers and share our manufacturing solutions with them.




Wilkon简介化学辅料是电子制造业中常用且重要的原材料,为不同类型的电子产品解决各种各样的问题带来很大的帮助。例如:使用树脂浇注密封电子电路能够让产品防水、防震、提高绝缘强度和保密等级;使用保护涂料对组装电路板进行表面处理,能够提高电路板的表面阻抗以及抵御潮湿、灰尘等等带来的影响;使用粘合剂能够让不同基材的材料牢固贴合,既美观又耐用;对电路板进行清洗能够提高产品的可靠性。 汇众电子是专业的工业化学材料和设备供应商。销售的产品包括电子工业研发生产过程所需要的各种清洗剂、防护涂料、电磁屏蔽涂料、环氧树脂或聚氨脂树脂...

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公司名 深圳汇众易力高电子有限公司 经营模式贸易商
注册资本50万人民币 注册时间2006
公司所在地广东 深圳市 龙岗区 企业类型企业单位
资料认证       企业资料通过认证
主营行业 化工产品及设备 / 树脂
主营产品或服务 环氧灌封胶、聚氨酯灌封胶、粘合剂、导热剂
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